Monday, February 13, 2017

The Storm Here

The storm here is crazy.  We knew it would be, but to experience it is conpletely different than planning for it.
The blessing is... we still have power, daddy is home for the day, and we are safe and warm.  
Dad and the boys have been out once so far today to clean up snow.  In a lot of places the snow is higher than the snowblower.
Our vehicles were all basically buried and the snow on our porch was very high.  The kids really wanted to help daddy.  They love to be by his side as well as be in the snow.
Even though it felt pointless to removed the snow we know it needed to be done before the rest comes down.  The next batch is wetter and heavier.  
Evan didn't last very long outside but Daniel was out there from start to finish.  When Bailey saw the boys shoveling the porch she really wanted to go out and help.  It was such a huge praise that she woke up less congested and was actually eating and active this morning.  I could tell she wasn't in nearly as much pain.  I'm so thankful she has relief from the pain she's been in.  I was so heartbroken last night watching her cry from the pain of this sinus infection.
I allowed her to go out for a short time and she was so happy to "get to" shovel the porch.  These kiddos are such hard workers.  They definitely got their daddy's work ethic and they did not get my intolerance of snow.
But then again, they have a kind and patient teacher...their daddy.  He is so patient to teach Daniel and let him snowblow during a complete blizzard. I would be rushing to get it done but he is sweet to let him try and show him how to do it.
As I said before....Evan doesn't last quite so long in the snow.  He's a little bit more like his Momma... we jokingly say it's because "we're both 'Portlanders'."  But he's content just to watch from inside :)
They sure got a good amount of our large deck cleared off with shovels.  The snow is still coming down and they've advised people to stay off the roads.  There's white outs, police in ditches,  and plow trucks off the roads.  They've completely shut down smell towns from plowing because the conditions are too dangerous.  Last I heard there is 7-9 inches of unplowed snow on the interstate. And Rt.1 is shut down because 4 tractor trailer trucks are completely stuck and blocking any and all traffic. 
We feel blessed to all be together, safe and warm during this storm.  We've taken the day off from school just to spend family time together, play games, read, watch a DVD or two, try to keep up with snow clearing and cozy up together and count our blessings!

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