Friday, February 17, 2017

It's Friday!

We've gotten quite a bit accomplished this Friday morning so far.

Before the kids woke up I watched the 5:58 devotional on Facebook and read my Bible.  Then I folded two loads of laundry while listening to a sermon online.

I woke the kids up by Singing "Happy Birthday" (quite loudly) to Ellie, who was sleeping in bed with Bailey.  Today is her 2nd birthday and the kids are hoping that later when we grocery shop they can get her a gift :)

After breakfast I let the kids go outside to play in the snow for a while, because rather than after school, I wanted to get my house cleaning done before school today (I was already on a roll with the laundry folding and dusting before they woke up, I wasn't ready to stop).

I accomplished my entire list of cleaning, by myself, while the kids played outside for almost 2 whole hours!

We're almost finished going through the book of Nehemiah.  I think the kids have learned a lot through this book. 
I erased our Bible verse of the week and put this verse on today. It seems I am always having to remind myself of this verse. I quote it to myself often.  If not for the kindness part, the opening my mouth with wisdom...  It sounds like such a nice little verse and you picture this virtuous woman just being so soft spoken and gentle in her speech.  But think about as wife and as a mother, opening our mouths with wisdom and with kindness.  I do *not* always open my mouth with wisdom.  I wish I did, and that's why I often quote the verse to myself.  I want the law of kindness to be in my tongue.  So this verse will remain for the weekend likely, until I put a new verse up for the week on Monday.

I've got a crock pot of spaghetti sauce and hot Italian sausages cooking for dinner tonight...and it smells sooooo good in here!

Well, we're off to finish our last 4 subjects for the day.  Remember how I left the science DVDs behind at the library by mistake?  I found them ALL on YouTube!  So, we are able to watch them this week afterall.  I'm realizing some of the information is a bit advanced, but a little challenge never hurt anybody, right?
And I'm embarrassed to say, one of the kids said, "These looks so old!  Did they even have video cameras back then?" And they were not joking in the least :/
I love my children so much!

Have a blessed day,

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