Wednesday, January 25, 2017


This morning I allowed the boys to go to my bed and relax with a movie for a bit while I got everything ready for the day. I was waiting to see who might still have fevers and if anyone new was sick.

It turns out that Evan still had a high fever, Bailey's stomach issues were lingering a bit, and Daniel was dealing with respitory issues. 

Throughout the day I watched Daniel closely for a fever, he got pretty warm a few times but never officially had a fever. His cough got worse and worse and I was worried it was turning into croup.

Everyone else in the house has upset stomachs and bad headaches.  We did NOT want to share this at church so we are home for the evening tonight.  We did actually accomplish getting our school work done today.  No one was actually throwing up, so being the mean mom that I am we did everything but Science today.  During individual subjects Daniel looked horrible.  He kept lying his head down on the table so I brought him to the couch with a blanket and he took a good nap.

I'm feeling pretty confident that tomorrow we will be rounding the corner and getting better.  I pray that that is the case anyway.  Daniel's cough may last quite a while, we know some others that likely have the same virus and their cough is lingering.  Evan still had a fever as of 8:00 tonight.

Well, there's my long, detailed update on this sickness.  I'm thankful as it could always be much worse!  We're praying for my Nana, the doctors have confirmed she has Swine Flu.  Hasn't been able to talk or eat in days.  I'm praying tomorrow is much better for her as well!

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